Thursday, February 13, 2020

Dream Fearlessly

There are moments in your life where you feel you can accomplish anything extraordinary, anything beyond imaginable, something that takes hard work, dedication, knowledge, courage and most importantly perseverance.
Dreams are what make us unique and make us feel we are a part of something. My dream is to make a difference in this world. To some people this may be considered as performing random acts of kindness, for example smiling at a random person, carrying groceries to someone’s car or telling the person to have a great day. But my goal, my dream, my vision is to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say because of you I didn’t give up. If there is one thing, I want you to know is that each and every one of you are not alone. If you want something bad enough, don’t let anyone stop you. As I have learned from Walt Disney, “Don’t Dream ordinary. Dream extraordinary. Dream beyond. Dream Above. Dream while you’re awake. Write your dream. Speak your dream. Align your dream with your passion and watch it ignite.”

I would like to share something with you that I have learned recently. Every dream may be a challenge, and there will be people around you that will try and bring you down because if THEY can’t achieve it YOU can’t either. But what I am going to tell you is that YOU CAN! Some people have this image or idea in their head that most people can’t see. That is where you have to show each person how awesome you are and ignite that light and show you can do anything you put your mind too. It doesn’t matter if it takes you nine years to write a book, it doesn’t matter if you failed, what matters is that YOU TRIED, and THAT shows you are determined and will work at it till you have achieved your dream.
Companies and people around the world have a dream. These three individuals inspired me to achieve my goals and what I want in life. To start, if Howard Schultz gave up after being turned down by 242 banks there would be no Starbucks! If J.K. Rowling stopped after being turned down by multiple publishers for years there would be no Harry Potter! If Walt Disney quit too soon after his theme park concept were trashed 302 times there would be no Disneyland! One thing I know is these people all had a dream, a vision, and a goal. If they gave up you would never know what we would be missing. Could you imagine going to the mall and not getting an Iced Caramel Macchiato? I couldn’t. 
I know each person reading this has a dream. It may be small or it may be big, but you must take that inspiration that I have shared with you and have the confidence, courage, and dedication to pursue it. Having something that you are truly passionate about and having that ambition to go after what you love will not only make you feel special but, you will know that you have accomplished something BIG! “When you are a child you think you can do anything. You have all kinds of ideas and think you can do any of it. It’s by encouraging this daring dream like a child again which will reawaken that innovative spirt that is missing in so many people.”
Dream like there is no tomorrow, be who you are, and fight till the end. One day your dreams will come true because I believe in you. Be the person who you were meant to be and believe that anything is possible. Always remember, you have the world cheering for you and you have me and just believe, “If you can dream it, you can do it.”

Self Confidence

As I sit here, starring at a blank sheet of paper, I reflect on what the word “Self Confidence” really means. To some, it refers to an individual’s clothes, the shape of her body, or whether or not she’s in a relationship.
From what we learn and see in today’s society, we feel we are not pretty enough due to not being a size two or not having the self-confidence to go out of the house without wearing makeup. Our experiences or childhood may also have an impact on why people believe they are not beautiful or self-confident in their own skin.
Now as you continue to read this, I would like to tell each and every one of you that no matter who you are, what size you are, you are all beautiful just the way you are! We as individuals should learn to be happy with who we are! Everyone is beautiful and self-confident in their own unique way. From what I have been told, my eyes, smile, and my optimism are truly what makes me beautiful. They define who I am as a person. Finding that spark or key feature that you like about yourself defines who you are which in turn makes you feel beautiful and self-confident.
I believe beauty and self-confidence go hand in hand because as they say, “beauty is what you feel about yourself, not what you see in the mirror.” There are so many factors that relate to this but beauty is all around us and many individuals do not see or realize that each and every person is beautiful.
People feel that we are not good enough because we have all grown up with media and have been taught that having a small body size and wearing a ton of makeup is what makes a person beautiful and confident. But what we don’t realize is that celebrities and others in the media are photoshopped. They have flaws and imperfections and are sometimes not confident in themselves. It is normal because we are all humans, and we have that weakness to judge ourselves and others. We must overcome that weakness and try to find the good that we have. Whether it’s the person’s smile, laugh, eye color, hair, personality, kind heart, bravery in fighting for cancer, or a good deed they did—these things show the world what self- confidence and beauty is all about.
We must love ourselves because there is only one you. Showing the world who you truly are and what you are truly made of will make a difference, in not only the people around you but in yourself as well.  Love yourself for who you are because in my eyes we are all beautiful no matter what people say. You must listen to your heart and go after anything you want to. Having confidence and pride in yourself will make you feel like you are the happiest person in the world. Nothing will make you more beautiful than the belief that you are beautiful the way you are.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Mirror Mirror

Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
OK, you have to admit you did this at least once when you were little. When you were a child you looked into a mirror and saw a beautiful princess who aspired to save the world or go after your dreams and goals. But in today’s society, we stare at ourselves and criticize all of our imperfections, flaws, and degrade ourselves, due to what we’ve seen on social media and from following celebrities. This is what I like to call Self-Esteem.
Now for all the girls out there who don’t wake up with perfect hair or don’t mind eating a big mac instead of a salad. To the girls who don’t wear makeup and would rather spend the day in sweatpants then skinny jeans. To the girls who stick to sneakers instead of heels and decide to wear a t-shirt instead of a fancy blouse. To the girls who want to look like Jennifer Lopez or Nina Dobrev, I’m going to tell you to stop being unhappy with yourself! You are all perfect in your own unique way.
Stop wishing you looked like a celebrity or a friend or wishing people liked you as much as they liked someone else. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, and those awesome freckles or maybe a accent you may have. I want you to love every flaw, every imperfection, because without those qualities you WOULDN’T BE YOU.
I want each and every one of you to show the world who YOU ARE! Be confident; show the world your one million dollar smile. Go after your dreams and goals. If your goal is to get a fit body or a six pack… then you will work hard to achieve it.Your self esteem, your happiness depends on you and ONLY YOU! Don’t depend on others, because I know you are better than that.
I’m happy, because I love myself. I accept my flaws (I’m sure everyone has something they wish to change), but I learn to embrace it, without wishing I had a better body or changing some flaws on my face… I love who I am because it’s what makes me ME. And I truly believe that “ME” is pretty amazing.
As I thought about how I should end this piece, I thought of how I would feel if I were reading this. So I want to tell every single person reading this… you are all stars that deserve to shine. All the girls with self-esteem issues or even girls reading this to become inspired, I want you all to know that you are not alone. Love yourself and be who you are, because without you the world would not be a happy place. So to conclude what I like to call my masterpiece, I want to leave you with this, “ Why fit in when you were born to stand out”?

Friday, January 17, 2020

Coffee Chat

Hello My Loves!

Hope you are all having a wonderful day and are excited for Christmas!! 4 MORE DAYS! Insane! I feel like the time has flown by. I have been busy with work haha it is kicking my butt but I'm coming back to you writing another post. YAY! I missed you guys!

What do you have planned for Christmas? I am celebrating Christmas with my dad and my mom and my grandma! I have 3 different gatherings haha which means lots of food! My favourite food during this holiday would probably be pasta! My grandma is Italian and makes homemade pasta and if you never had it you are missing out! LOL.

This year is the first time I have seen a Dairy Milk Advent Calendar in Canada! I have been searching for one for years! When I saw it in the store I freaked out! LOL many others did too! I think dairy milk is the best kind of chocolate you can get! It is my personal fav. They used to make a chocolate bar which had pop rocks and jelly beans in it and it was honestly my favourite and then the company decided to get rid of it... :( I am on number 20 in my advent calendar haha I'm a little behind.

Anyone excited for the new year?? 2019 is almost done!! For me personally 2019 I was blessed to be provided the opportunity of a promotion and working with amazing people who I call my second family and i've started this blog which is very exciting because I miss writing. I feel 2020 will be an amazing year! Im going to  crush my dreams and goals and really try to focus on what makes me happy and where I wanna go in life. One of my goals I would like to achieve is to get my accounting certificate. I have 10 courses to do which is not bad.  I also want to create a healthy lifestyle for myself and focus on losing weight. I also want to pursue my passion on writing, this blog is encouraging me to not care about other opinions and just write what I want to write. Hopefully I can inspire you all in some way :)

Let me know what you guys are looking forward into the new year! I think it is going to be EPIC! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas! Congrats to making it this far! Even though we have ups and downs throughout our life, we always celebrate the new year together and I feel like each of us want to better ourselves and start over haha in some way.

Love you all so much!



Love Yourself

When we were little we had dreams or knew what we wanted to be when we grew up. Personally, for me I wanted to be a cashier! LOL, it was my dream job! I had 3 fake registers not gonna lie. My favourite was the scanner which I used to call the beeper and then it had this amazing conveyer belt where the produce would go on! LOL getting off topic but after that phase I grew a little bit older. My dreams had changed and I wanted to be a movie star, then a fashion designer, then an Artist and now the profession I am in is completely different from what I wanted to be when I was little. What I am trying to say, it doesn't matter what you want to be or how you get there, having that passion and drive to do anything you put your mind to reminds me of  me when I was little. 

In today's society we all lost the meaning of who we are. When we were little we didn't care if our hair wasn't brushed or we had teeth missing. We didn't care who was watching us because we were in the moment of having fun. When I grew up we didn't have cell phones or iPads. We had barbies and playodough and make-believe sets. We had to create our own fun! I miss those times because we were our own person, we were ourselves. We had no one else to look up too besides our parents. Now in today's world we are guilty to comparing ourselves to celebrities and I'm not going to lie I am guilty for that. We are not happy with our bodies or how we look. We get judged over not looking a certain way or what have you. 

I am writing this because I have lost who I am. I used to be this amazing girl, who always went after her dreams and never took no for an answer. I wasn't afraid to just be me. Being who you are and how you want the world to see you as I think is what makes you unique. It makes you special! There is only ONE you! No one can replace you! I used to write, I used to paint, I used to hang out with my amazing friends and just be myself and do what made me happy but now I don't really do what I love. I don't make time for myself, I've lost hope.

Sometimes I feel like I am not good enough, I don't like how I look and I degrade myself everyday because I compare myself to others and to me that is normal because that is what society has taught us. Instagram, Facebook, Youtube are great sources for social media but there is a huge downside on how we view ourselves because we start comparing to what other people are like.

 We should really focus on loving ourselves. Yes that may be loving your smile, or loving how you look or even loving your personality. We need to realize that LIFE is messy. its complicated. We have  ups and downs. We have moments we hang onto because that is what makes us happy. We have people we look up too because they may be a inspiration to you. But I want you to know all those things and qualities that we have has made you into the person that you are today. 

Each and everyone of you are special.  I want you to know that. So please whenever you see your family member or a co worker or even a stranger a compliment can go a long way. Make people feel good about themselves. Its the greatest feeling in the world. And as for each and everyone of you reading this.... LOVE YOURSELF, there is no one else like you! Embrace who you are hang onto those memories because that right there is the key to happiness. 


My Story

Hello World!!!

My Name is Lea Ware! A little background about me.. lets see. I am 28 years old and I am a twin. My mom says we are identical but my dad says we are fraternal. HA! Mom knows best ;) I am the older twin by two minutes. YAY me! I have to say it is cool being a twin, although we have our moments from time to time but who doesn't.

My passion to write started when I was 5 years old.  I used to make books out of lined paper and draw on them and pretend that I was an author. Then I got a little more creative and started to bind my books with ribbon to give it that extra touch. As I grew older I used to read here and there and came across a site called "Miss Literary". I used to write short stories and get amazing feedback. In 2012 I got the privilege to work for a company called" I Am That Girl" and that is where my passion for writing really took off.

Have you ever got the opportunity to stand on stage in front of millions of people and right when you are about to speak it gets quiet. LOL just imagine! I got that opportunity! And let me tell you it was honestly one of the best moments of my life! The reward of just putting yourself out there and being a role model for girls around the world is truly something to be proud about.

So now here we are today, January 1st 2020 I want to continue to create, to inspire, to make people laugh and just to have a safe space where you can all be yourselves! No judgement!

Thank you so much to all of you reading this and making my passion come true!

Lots of Love