Friday, January 17, 2020

Love Yourself

When we were little we had dreams or knew what we wanted to be when we grew up. Personally, for me I wanted to be a cashier! LOL, it was my dream job! I had 3 fake registers not gonna lie. My favourite was the scanner which I used to call the beeper and then it had this amazing conveyer belt where the produce would go on! LOL getting off topic but after that phase I grew a little bit older. My dreams had changed and I wanted to be a movie star, then a fashion designer, then an Artist and now the profession I am in is completely different from what I wanted to be when I was little. What I am trying to say, it doesn't matter what you want to be or how you get there, having that passion and drive to do anything you put your mind to reminds me of  me when I was little. 

In today's society we all lost the meaning of who we are. When we were little we didn't care if our hair wasn't brushed or we had teeth missing. We didn't care who was watching us because we were in the moment of having fun. When I grew up we didn't have cell phones or iPads. We had barbies and playodough and make-believe sets. We had to create our own fun! I miss those times because we were our own person, we were ourselves. We had no one else to look up too besides our parents. Now in today's world we are guilty to comparing ourselves to celebrities and I'm not going to lie I am guilty for that. We are not happy with our bodies or how we look. We get judged over not looking a certain way or what have you. 

I am writing this because I have lost who I am. I used to be this amazing girl, who always went after her dreams and never took no for an answer. I wasn't afraid to just be me. Being who you are and how you want the world to see you as I think is what makes you unique. It makes you special! There is only ONE you! No one can replace you! I used to write, I used to paint, I used to hang out with my amazing friends and just be myself and do what made me happy but now I don't really do what I love. I don't make time for myself, I've lost hope.

Sometimes I feel like I am not good enough, I don't like how I look and I degrade myself everyday because I compare myself to others and to me that is normal because that is what society has taught us. Instagram, Facebook, Youtube are great sources for social media but there is a huge downside on how we view ourselves because we start comparing to what other people are like.

 We should really focus on loving ourselves. Yes that may be loving your smile, or loving how you look or even loving your personality. We need to realize that LIFE is messy. its complicated. We have  ups and downs. We have moments we hang onto because that is what makes us happy. We have people we look up too because they may be a inspiration to you. But I want you to know all those things and qualities that we have has made you into the person that you are today. 

Each and everyone of you are special.  I want you to know that. So please whenever you see your family member or a co worker or even a stranger a compliment can go a long way. Make people feel good about themselves. Its the greatest feeling in the world. And as for each and everyone of you reading this.... LOVE YOURSELF, there is no one else like you! Embrace who you are hang onto those memories because that right there is the key to happiness. 


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